Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Seasonal Forecast: Inbetweens with a chance of change

Wishy-washy weather between New York's summer and fall seems to be mimicking and fueling our indecisive behavior.

Sitting in the open windows of El Beit (a hipster watering hole), I see guys in undershirts wearing knit caps, women who still glow from their Hamptons weekends posing in puffy jackets, and college freshmen who haven't retired the booty board shorts.
With the flux in temperature making us dress for Everest and the Everglades, there's no wonder important aspects of our lives seem just as in-between.
From the same perch I see a cute couple approaching. They're dressed just fine (light jackets and jeans), just another duo popping in for some to-gos. They don't come in though, and instead stop at the apartment building next door. We all wait for a minute; I try not to lose my tea off the edge as I not so cooley lean for a better look; they gaze with hopeful eyes up and down the street.
Now I get it. A comfortably dressed woman in loafers and loose pants approaches and with a quick greeting I lose them all past the keyed-in door. Too quickly they're back on the hard street, faces fallen. After even quicker goodbyes, the couple walks out of sight no closer to finding their next home.

Summer & fall, present and future, how do we transition smoothly?